Write For Us - We Accept Quality and Niche Blog Post & Article.
If you are looking for the best site for guest posting then welcome to SNK Creation - Digital Marketing Company. On this website, you can share the guest post article, which our team will accept if they follow our guidelines.
We allow articles related to all types of marketing and advertising. And we invite content marketing experts to share their experiences, tips, news, tutorials, stories with our audience.
What Topic Do We Accept?
By the way, we accept only the topics related to marketing and advertising, But as our website is a digital marketing base, we accept the below topics which our readers like it and it is informative for everyone. You can submit guest post on the below given highlight topic with us.
Guest Post Topic:
✔️ Digital Marketing Tips
✔️ Social Media Marketing News
✔️ Content Marketing Skills
✔️ Email marketing Tips
✔️ SEO & Algorithm Blogging
✔️ Digital PR & News
✔️ Website Analytics & PPC
✔️ Brand Promotion Story
✔️ Biography & Startup Business
✔️ Business Marketing Tools
✔️ Influencer Journey
✔️ Social Media Tools & Benefits
✔️ Reputation Management
✔️ Small Business Strategy
Read Guest Posting Guidelines:
📝 The article should be unique and original. Any kind of spam is not allowed.
📝 We DO NOT accept such articles nor backlinks which dealing in adult material, gambling, dating, casinos, alcohol, porn, gaming, smoking, and similar content & sites.
📝 No spinning article will be allowed for guest posting.
📝 The article which you will submit for guest post on this site, should not be on any other website / blog first.
📝 Only one keyword base dofollow link will be allowed on the article.
📝 Send atleast 5 tags.
📝 Send Title Tag ( 70 Characters ) and Meta Description ( 300 Characters ) to show on Search Engine Result Page.
📝 Do not unnecessary stretch the content length.
📝 Along with the article, there should also be 1-2 original images, whose size should be 640x480 | 1027x768.
📝 The article should be related to the given topic, in which the title should be clear and transparent, otherwise the article will be rejected.
📝 Guest posts must have at least 800 - 1500 words.
📝 Author should have a reference site to write good content.
📝 Other sponsored link can be added anywhere on the article.
📝 The article should use standard English, in which there should not be any spelling and grammar mistake.
📝 All articles will be subject to the edits of the editorial content team: sentences and paragraphs may be reworked, duplicate content may be removed.
📝 We do not accept articles that are not well managed and written; Articles that lacks attention and quality, and articles that contain grammatical mistakes, spammy or Inconsequent backlinks.
📝 All the articles will be reviewed by our content team and we reserve the right to edit, change the content & title before publishing.
📝 We receive a lot of emails and offer with a huge number of requests every-day. Thus, we cannot guarantee to publish your article within a specific timelimit, We will mail you before your article is published.
📝 The article has to be sent in Word and PDF files only.
📝 The website will not be responsible for any article and link, all the responsibility of the article writer will be on it.
If you want to talk to us directly, you can contact us on email ( support@snkcreation.in ) without any hesitation for any guest post related questions.