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Learn how to start blogging free

It's a good idea to start own blog! But how?

This same question everyone wants to ask from blogger expert, how they got success in blogging career. Everyone has own story and ideas to reach top level but if you start own blog, how can you bring at top.

Start a blogging not a big deal at all. Concern is that which topic you want to pick because lots of blog stream is available on internet. For example: travel blog, food blog, gadget blog, technology blog and fashion blog. Thousands of bloggers already started own channels and earning money therefore how could you stand between those.

Don't worry! I know this question is doubtful but here is a solution for that. I started my blog ( in 2015, and that time i did not know much about blogging. It’s been a long time that i started observing visitors thoughts and worked on it then i got positive results.

Here are few proven tips which will help to start blog. Those steps are not a long pages book, not even single pages book. It’s an easy and working method for everyone who only needs attention and good mentor. Then everyone may good blogger in any stream.

3 Steps to start blogging

  • Choose a best blog & hosting platform


  • Setup your blog design


  • Write SEO friendly content & Keywords

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  • Choose a best blog & hosting platform

If you are set to start blog. Then first question coming in your mind that which platform could be best and cheap price or free? If you search on web, lots of new and old heard name you can get on search results.

But i would go with Wordpress and blogger. It’s not that i am saying; because of both has free and paid features. Wordpress has more than 76.5 million active users in worldwide and blogger has 500 million active users. Both has different strategic and design theme for every needs, we cannot judge both for best.



Have you ever heard about “how to start a blog Wordpress? Wordpress is a free and open-source content management system based on PHP and MySQL. It’s free and paid. Thousands of attractive designs are available and according to your needs all plugin you can choose.

Create a free account and fill all correct details, if you do not want to spend on hosting and domain then Wordpress can allow own domain support with your business name and that is totally free with limited features. It looks like this:

Later if you want to upgrade with hosting and domain, you may pay anytime and get all features and plugin.

If you already bought domain, and want to connect with Wordpress hosting therefore only you need to upgrade any of Wordpress plans to connect domain. No need any tech skills, it’s very simple even Wordpress is too user friendly for everyone whether you know developing or not.




If you search on Google “how to create a blog for free “Blogger is on top page result. Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It’s also free and easy to use, if you do not want to buy domain therefore you can get blogger own subdomain. Its look like:

If you already bought domain from anywhere else, no need to upgrade just go to blogger setting and there is option to connect your domain server details.

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  • Setup your blog design

After completing all those steps, next level is quite interesting and easy. Most of blogger make own blog very user friendly with hard core designs. In some case you should skills about web design so you can change as per your ideas. But Wordpress has thousands of attractive themes which will help you to setup your free and paid blog.

Free has few limitation and paid feature has infinity like everything you can get. It’s like a drag drop feature, no need for any high tech skills to design your blog. Just pick pretty one theme and start using it.

  • Write SEO friendly content & Keywords
Later on we think about blog content which we need to start blog. Content should be seo friendly and easy to understand for users. It’s not like that you wrote anything without any logic, everything should be in step by step like what is title, meta description, Heading tags and related keywords. It’s made your blog stunning and perfect for search engine also.
Next are keywords, what is that? Beginners heard this word first time or who known about it they all know what is keywords. Basically keyword is phrase of two-three words which will help visitors to search on web. So why we reading this! It’s a very important part of any website and blog.
According to me content is king and keyword is queen! Quite weird joke. But it’s true and proven. If you write any topic on your blog and that content is mixer with keywords which you want to target then your article would go in top of search engines and visitor will read it.
Its end now! Hope i mentioned everything for beginner’s blog setup. Now you have to follow it and you are ready to fly on your own blog.
While going this way, if you face any issues and having question. Please feel free to share your doubt and opinion with us.

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